For many years, one of my favorite people to get into it and get silly with has been actor, director, and sometime New Yorker, Jerry O’Connell. Jerry and I originally met in the late 90’s and would often find ourselves out drinking late. However, after 2000, we didn’t hang out until 2010, when after being a guest on “Late Night w Jimmy Fallon,” he came by my live “Sweet” show. I saw him standing in the back and, just before the show was starting, I asked if he wanted to be in a sketch. Without waiting a beat, he said, “Yes.” So with no rehearsal, and only a one explanation of the what the bit was, he jumped in and made the sketch 10x funnier than I would have been. He’s always game for some fun, and this was no different.

      This interview with Jerry, was his second appearance on the Sweet Instagram show, and was recorded it on Jan 19th, which was Trump’s last night in office. Because of that we discussed, who Trump might pardon, the Insurrection & “Internal Threats,” as well as being the dads of twins girls during the pandemic, kids facial expressions while they poop, being follow stutters along with Joe Biden, being a child actor and him working with our good friend Justin Long and their on set fight that happened while they shot, “The Lookalike.” 

      Randomly Justin was in the chat, and trying to tell his side of the story about what happened when they were filming together. So when Jerry left the show, Justin then pops on to clear the air. We also talk about what a great guy Jerry is and Justin does an impression of his impressions of people. However, not wanting to let Justin get the last word, Jerry comes back onto the live show, and talks about Justin some more, his vintage car and says good night. 

     So if you don’t know Jerry O’Connell at all, I’d be surprised, because you’ve definitely seen him in something, whether its;  the films “Stand By Me,” “Kangaroo Jack,” “Can’t Hardly Wait,” or cult classic “Piranha 3D,” or TV’s “Sliders,” “Billions,” “Drunk History,” “Crossing Jordan,” or on Broadway in “Seminar” or the Award Winning, “A Solider’s Story.” And there’s much, much more. Plus you may know Justin Long from everything from “Dodgeball,” to “Jeepers Creepers,” to “Die Hard 4” or many many more things.
      Either way this was a fun show, and I hope you have as much fun as we did making it. 


4: “You never know which nights will change your life…”
